Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I stepped on a worm.

Barefoot. In my kitchen this morning. Please please PLEASE someone tell me how a gooey worm covered in dirt got on my kitchen floor so that I could step on it on my way to pour myself some cereal. I first thought I had stepped on a piece of red onion that must of somehow fallen off of some left overs that Tyler ate late in the night. But upon further review I realized with nauseating horror that it was indeed a big juicy worm squooshed all over my heel. It literally took every ounce of my strength not to scream out loud and then bash my head on the counter. Instead I gritted my teeth and cleaned myself and my floor up and tried to convince myself that this was not a big deal. But seriously! How in the world did it get into my kitchen!? Nice start to my Wednesday morning? I think not.
{Note. I wanted to put a picture up with this. But all the worm pictures I looked at caused me to freak out and nearly vomit. So alas. No picture.}


Tara said...

That is disgusting! I definitely would have freaked out! Great way to start your day! haha... not!

daniellejackson said...

Yikes!! Worms are disgusting!

Malorie said...

I love to think how that worm got in your recycling, or crawling slowly under your door. Or maybe up the sink. Seriously, this is strange!

Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

I vote that the worm entered your house from a crevice in your's or ty's shoe! Oh and thank you for the lunch pal offer, spence is sleeping though, so i won't be going out until after 2. But, eww, worms. THat is one of my biggest fears...stepping on something gross, barefoot, in the middle of the night. But I usually imagine it being something furry.

The McBrides said...

That is so disgusting, I would probably have to move out of our house! I am so impressed with your calmness!

Em said...

megan that is hilarious! I would have freaked out too, except I wouldn't have refrained from screaming. The lady below us loves me! :)

Christina and Jason said...

megan..I can pretty much picture this happening to you and I couldn't stop laughing! is horribly disgusting! I'm impressed you didn't scream! I guess worms go along with rainy portland. At least your not in the cockroachy south! (we've only found one dead in our bathroom when we first got here) bleh!

naezandkidz said...

Hey Meg...I just wanted to say happy birthday...Hope you had a great day..