Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I was tagged by my sister who claims that because she is my big sister I have to do what she says, and while that is not true, it really kind of here I present
1. I don't have any desire at all to have children. I am sure that will change someday...or I hope it does...but for now they mostly drive me crazy and make me feel sorry for people who have had to give up their freedom to deal with them.
2. I have a fairly intense case of road rage since moving to Portland. Everyone here drives like old ladies {no offense to any old ladies}.
3. One of my biggest pet peeves of all time is when people don't use their blinkers {hence the road rage}.
4. I am fairly sure I could eat Little Ceasers Pizza for every meal and die happy doing so.
5. I am one of those huge losers who is obsessed with Twilight.
6. I love to pick. One of my greatest joys is picking off my nail polish...usually after spending about 2 hours on a manicure.
7. I don't know how to pay bills. I hate dealing with them and if Tyler ever had to go away for an extended period of time I am pretty sure our phones and electricity would be turned off.
8. I have a wild imagination. I have had to stop watching scary movies of any kind because for weeks afterwards I am certain that I am going to fall victim to whatever scary thing happened in the movie. I have been known to talk to myself and my non-existent ghost/stalker/killer etc etc just to keep myself from freaking out. Sad, I know.
9. I like to copy Andrea. But I hate when people copy me.
10. I am totally obsessed with a massive number of reality TV shows. Luckily I married a man who values the quality of reality TV as much as I do.


I'm A said...

I can't pay bills either. If I hadn't married B I would be poor or homeless or bankrupt. But I would have a lot of awesome stuff to show for it. is ok that you copy me because I'm awesome. But so are you.

Unknown said...

ha. im glad you think so. if we werent married we would be living together buying lots of stuff and running out of money. but it would be fun.

Christina and Jason said...

you would hate memphis drivers...using your blinker here is thought of as just a suggestion! One day I honked at everyone who didn't use their was entertaining and let out my should try it :)

renaelee78 said...

This is so cute! And you don't have to give up freedom with kids. The only thing I had to give up was the $40 a month for diapers! You'll get there too. I can't wait to hear from you in ten years to find out you have five kids! :)