Wednesday, June 2, 2010

M.I.S.S.I.O.N.S are Long

There have been very few times in my life where I have ached from missing someone so much. It has happened occasionally throughout the years when I think of my grandmother. It has happened occasionally when I think of home or family and it happens every now and then when I see pictures of my brother on his mission. It may sound silly, but I miss him like crazy. I am incredibly proud of him, but I still am counting down the days until he comes home. At least I know he is having an amazing, life changing experience and loving every second of it. Neither of us would change a thing. But...yes, I still miss him like crazy. I am thinking about putting a call into the church offices to discuss the length of missions and the possibility of adding a weekly phone call. That would really be great for me.

He is one studly (and starting to be a bit chubby) missionary. I know he has officially got the missionary mindset because he keeps talking about coming home and getting married and going to BYU and things like that. I'm sure it will pass. I mean, who wants to go to BYU right? {shudder}


Andrea Mouritsen said...

He's so cute.

todd and erin said...

I agree on everything you just said. Missions are long. Brother's are cute. And who really does want to go to BYU?? My brother is saying the exact same thing.

Dasha said...

What is with missionaries becoming wannabee zoobies? You need to make him see the error of his ways ASAP.

Em said...

Ha! "{shudder]" You are hilarious!

The McBrides said...

What a cute missionary, missions are very very long, whatever happened to the 18 month mission?!

Rickie said...

You are dead meat when I see you...first by me, then Aubri, and then Carly... haha