Spring cleaning began in full force last night. I always love a good clean out, but this year it is looking like a whole new animal. Tyler and I caught the bug somehow and decided it was time to go through every dresser, closet, drawer, nook and cranny in our house. I had no idea how much stuff we have accumulated over the last 3 years since moving here. When we moved in I thought we had SO much storage and that we could never fill the place up. Now we are bursting at the seams. So, a massive clean out has begun. We spent 5 hours yesterday going through our bedroom (aka...all my crap). And this is what I/Tyler decided I don't need anymore.
One bedroom down. Basically this equals me emptying out one of my 3 closets. Yes, three I know. Now, Tyler gets to move some of his stuff into our room for the first time in our marriage. Generous of me, I know. All I can say is that Tyler better get all of this stuff out of my sight before I change my mind. I am tossing about 12 pairs of shoes and 10 bags. I don't do that. This is big.
I am actually excited though to see this pile grow as we go room by room. Hopefully by the end of the weekend our home will be orderly and crap free!
Very impressive! It always feels nice to de-clutter!
Hurray for de-cluttering! I did the same thing last weekend only I got bored halfway through and so now there's a big pile of stuff on my floor waiting to be sorted. And reading your post gave me more motivation to do it so thanks for that.
Ooh, I love spring cleaning! I love having my closets empty and organized. Nice job Scotts!
Come help me decide what's crap. I'm really bad at throwing stuff away. :( It's easy for me to get rid of Christian's things, but so much harder when it's my own.
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