How is it that hard days can just creep into your life totally unexpected and uncalled for?
I have never exactly been one to embrace change, but I have been working on it. I have loved the big changes in my life and been grateful for all of the wonderful things and people that have come into my life because of it.
But sometimes my old self sneaks up on me and I remember that I don't really love change and I do in fact miss home. I miss my city, my home, my beautiful mountains, and mostly I miss my friends and my family.
I love my life in Portland, and I would not change it for the world. But sometimes growing up is hard. I would never want to go backwards, but I would love for it to be possible to keep in touch with every person that I love. I will try to work on that. I think I also need to remember that it is impossible to fill the hole that old friends and loved family do. And I do find it a beautiful part of life, that no matter how many wonderful people are a part of your life- there is always room for more. I have been exceptionally blessed to have a life full of amazing people.
So I am just grateful that when these pesky down days creep up on me that I have my amazing husband, my wonderful family and friends to call and mostly a loving Father in Heaven who I know is looking out for me.