I have been thinking today about how interesting it is that life takes you down so many paths that you never intended to travel down. And while I think that some people perhaps may get the very life they planned out in their head, that has not been the case with me. Now I don't say that in sadness- I am actually very grateful for the changes that have come my way, for the completely different life than I ever thought I was capable of living. Yet, it does sometimes cause you to pause and think back over the cross roads along the way and wonder "What if I had gone left instead of right?" But no matter how difficult things get, or how confusing and hazy the future looks, I feel incredibly blessed to be able to say that I am grateful for where I am. I am grateful that I can look at the place I am in my life and be so happy that I was thrown so many adventures that I would have cowered at just a few years before. What a boring little life I would have lived if it had all gone my way. So here is to being thankful that life is not always what you expect. For one thing, if I had not ended up here in Portland I would not have these lovely ladies in my life...and that would be a very sad thing.
My new favorite OPI color!
How appropriate for my stocking that needs stuffing.
{Hint Hint mom/tyler/sarser/whoever is still needing to buy me a gift!}
It's crazy how often we end up living so differently than we imagined we would, but to me it's really comforting to realize that someone up there has it all figured out, and as long as we try to do His will, everything will work out for the best.
That might be a little too much sentimentality for a Friday, but there you have it.Hope you get your Christmas nail polish!
You said it perfectly about things not going the way you would've planned..but in looking back you'd never change what has happened. Can't wait to see you! Yay! Oh..and for like an 8th of a split second I really thought you had some major big big news..haha. Should've known better.
So even though you never thought you'd live in Portland, but you like it, can I still see you when you come home?
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