Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A pioneer woman am I

Well folks, I am off to trek through the Oregon wilderness and get in touch with my pioneer roots. It's going to be a long few days full of hopefully more good than bad. The highpoint I am sure will be my debut acting gig as Mary Lowry. I will be acting out a scene where I refuse to marry the big mountain man causing all sorts of trouble. Its going to be epic. To say I am horrified doesn't quite cover it.But other than the acting scene, I am actually looking forward to the experience.
So with that,
God be with you till we meet again.


todd and erin said...

How cute are you? Hope you have fun!

Tara said...

You are such a cute little pioneer! Love it! Have sooo much fun!

daniellejackson said...

That's a really cute pioneer outfit! Now you just need a couple of french braids ;)

candice and tom said...

Hey have so much fun on trek! i loved it although we didnt trek through oregon, that sounds pretty cool! have fun you make a great pioneer woman!