I spent the last five days in Chicago on a business trip. I can honestly say it is the most tired I have ever been in my life. I worked 76 hours in 5 days. But I had an awesome time thanks to the fantastic people I worked with and got to know, and the amazing event I got to host. Plus Chicago is pretty cool too.
Doesn't that look delightful?
Sometimes late at night when you are deliriously tired, strange things happen.
I only got to go out one night, but I fell in love with Chicago. I cannot wait to go back on vacation when I can actually explore the city. I think I like it more than New York, even from the small bit that I saw.
We had a beautiful cocktail reception at the Art Institute.
It was a crazy, busy and fabulous time. My work really knows how to throw an extravagant party. It was very cool to be a part of it. Now if only I could get a job in the communications department...aka the party planners of my company...